

Chaos Spawn are hideous victims of their own ambition, their wracked minds and distorted bodies unable to withstand the gifts – or curses – of the Dark Gods. Reduced to lumpen mounds of muscle and flailing mutated limbs, these malformed beasts are herded into battle by their former brethren – or simply lurch forth to share their suffering, lashing out at horrified enemies with unnatural strength.

Warhammer 40K – Chaos Spawn (83-10)

SKU: 99120201153
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Chaos Spawn are hideous victims of their own ambition, their wracked minds and distorted bodies unable to withstand the gifts – or curses – of the Dark Gods. Reduced to lumpen mounds of muscle and flailing mutated limbs, these malformed beasts are herded into battle by their former brethren – or simply lurch forth to share their suffering, lashing out at horrified enemies with unnatural strength.

Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

EAN 5011921191574
0,1158 kg