

The Clans Moulder will regularly create new and terrifying creatures to unleash upon their enemies, but none quite as depraved and horrific as the Hell Pit Abomination. A writhing mass of muscle, bone and mechanical components, the Hell Pit Abomination is a living mountain of misshapen flesh that towers over the battlefield below ready to crush, tear and devour anything in its path.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Hell Pit Abomination

SKU: 99120206012
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The Clans Moulder will regularly create new and terrifying creatures to unleash upon their enemies, but none quite as depraved and horrific as the Hell Pit Abomination. A writhing mass of muscle, bone and mechanical components, the Hell Pit Abomination is a living mountain of misshapen flesh that towers over the battlefield below ready to crush, tear and devour anything in its path.

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