

Human cultists of Tzeentch, Chanters of Change, the Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending decades becoming worthy enough to attempt the Kairic Test of Nine. They walk amongst the unsuspecting, remaining covert, waiting patiently until the correct time to strike. When that time comes, they hurl their collective magical might in the form of searing bolts, punishing those who survive with sinister curved blades.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Kairic Acolytes

SKU: 99120201063
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Human cultists of Tzeentch, Chanters of Change, the Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending decades becoming worthy enough to attempt the Kairic Test of Nine. They walk amongst the unsuspecting, remaining covert, waiting patiently until the correct time to strike. When that time comes, they hurl their collective magical might in the form of searing bolts, punishing those who survive with sinister curved blades.

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