

The sorcerer Zarshia Bittersoul once led a warband of her own – until she was usurped by her sister, Khagra. Her magical powers undiminished in defeat, she stews in her own dark ambitions as Khagra leads the Ravagers – the bitter Dour Cragan and fierce Razek Godblessed – on their personal Path to Glory through Ghur, seeking to earn the attention of the Dark Gods through brutal sacrifice as they desecrate the holdings of any who dare oppose them.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Khagra’S Ravagers

SKU: 99120201149
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The sorcerer Zarshia Bittersoul once led a warband of her own – until she was usurped by her sister, Khagra. Her magical powers undiminished in defeat, she stews in her own dark ambitions as Khagra leads the Ravagers – the bitter Dour Cragan and fierce Razek Godblessed – on their personal Path to Glory through Ghur, seeking to earn the attention of the Dark Gods through brutal sacrifice as they desecrate the holdings of any who dare oppose them.

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