

Rivers are lifelines for communities throughout the world and make for exciting and dynamic encounters. Whether your PCs are defending a bridge, fording an icy flow, navigating a deep canyon, or assaulting a mill that an evil wizard has holed up in, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Rivers Multi-Pack has you covered for a variety of river-based encounters.A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy—simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel. Each Flip-Mat measures 24″ x 30″ unfolded, and 8″ x 10″ folded.

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Rivers Multi-Pack

SKU: PZO11024-FM
Εκτιμώμενη ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας: 4/2025
Προθεσμία υποβολής προπαραγγελίας: 28 Ιανουαρίου, 2025
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Rivers are lifelines for communities throughout the world and make for exciting and dynamic encounters. Whether your PCs are defending a bridge, fording an icy flow, navigating a deep canyon, or assaulting a mill that an evil wizard has holed up in, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Rivers Multi-Pack has you covered for a variety of river-based encounters.A special coating on each Flip-Mat allows you to use wet erase, dry erase, AND permanent markers with ease! Removing permanent ink is easy—simply trace over any permanent mark with a dry erase marker, wait 10 seconds, then wipe off both marks with a dry cloth or paper towel. Each Flip-Mat measures 24″ x 30″ unfolded, and 8″ x 10″ folded.

Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

EAN 9781640786547
1,2 kg