Sets marked as D. O. (Direct Only) are only available to order. This means they are not necessarilly in stock and have to be ordered specifically. Typically it takes 10-20 working days for the execution of orders that include such titles. A Horus Heresy novelUnaware of the wider Heresy and following the Warmaster’s increasingly cryptic orders, Roboute Guilliman returns to Ultramar to muster his Legion for war against the orks massing in the Veridian system. READ IT BECAUSEIt’s the beginning of one of the Horus Heresy’s most infamous and epic battles. Dan Abnett’s story grabs you by the shoulders and throws you into the midst of the Betrayal at Calth. The moment when the build-up ends and the battle begins is breathtaking and brutal and the rest of the novel doesn’t let up.
Sets marked as D. O. (Direct Only) are only available to order. This means they are not necessarilly in stock and have to be ordered specifically. Typically it takes 10-20 working days for the execution of orders that include such titles. A Horus Heresy novelUnaware of the wider Heresy and following the Warmaster’s increasingly cryptic orders, Roboute Guilliman returns to Ultramar to muster his Legion for war against the orks massing in the Veridian system. READ IT BECAUSEIt’s the beginning of one of the Horus Heresy’s most infamous and epic battles. Dan Abnett’s story grabs you by the shoulders and throws you into the midst of the Betrayal at Calth. The moment when the build-up ends and the battle begins is breathtaking and brutal and the rest of the novel doesn’t let up.
Know No Fear HH (PB) D.O. (BL320)
Sets marked as D. O. (Direct Only) are only available to order. This means they are not necessarilly in stock and have to be ordered specifically. Typically it takes 10-20 working days for the execution of orders that include such titles. A Horus Heresy novelUnaware of the wider Heresy and following the Warmaster’s increasingly cryptic orders, Roboute Guilliman returns to Ultramar to muster his Legion for war against the orks massing in the Veridian system. READ IT BECAUSEIt’s the beginning of one of the Horus Heresy’s most infamous and epic battles. Dan Abnett’s story grabs you by the shoulders and throws you into the midst of the Betrayal at Calth. The moment when the build-up ends and the battle begins is breathtaking and brutal and the rest of the novel doesn’t let up.
Sets marked as D. O. (Direct Only) are only available to order. This means they are not necessarilly in stock and have to be ordered specifically. Typically it takes 10-20 working days for the execution of orders that include such titles. A Horus Heresy novelUnaware of the wider Heresy and following the Warmaster’s increasingly cryptic orders, Roboute Guilliman returns to Ultramar to muster his Legion for war against the orks massing in the Veridian system. READ IT BECAUSEIt’s the beginning of one of the Horus Heresy’s most infamous and epic battles. Dan Abnett’s story grabs you by the shoulders and throws you into the midst of the Betrayal at Calth. The moment when the build-up ends and the battle begins is breathtaking and brutal and the rest of the novel doesn’t let up.
Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες
Warhammer Black Library |
Black Library, Warhammer The Horus Heresy |
9781849701341 |
0,2047 kg |