

Eightbound are Heretic Astartes possessed by eight separate daemons of Khorne, their swollen forms virtually unrecognisable from the World Eaters they once were. As a result, these warped warriors exhibit unthinkable strength and savagery, far in excess of their mortal brethren. Wielding all manner of enormous chain weapons, a pack of Eightbound are capable of ripping apart almost anything that dares to stand against them.

Warhammer 40K – Eightbound (43-72)

SKU: 99120102154
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Eightbound are Heretic Astartes possessed by eight separate daemons of Khorne, their swollen forms virtually unrecognisable from the World Eaters they once were. As a result, these warped warriors exhibit unthinkable strength and savagery, far in excess of their mortal brethren. Wielding all manner of enormous chain weapons, a pack of Eightbound are capable of ripping apart almost anything that dares to stand against them.

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