

Ogroid Theridons serve as fearsome shock troops to the armies of Chaos, found wherever the fighting is thickest, carving swathes of ruin through the enemy ranks with staggering strength and skill. Once rulers of a mighty empire that stretched across the Realm of Beasts, the goroans were enticed into Archaon’s service by promises of a new homeland, free from orruk invasions – a realm that came to be called the Eightpoints. Now better-known as ogroids, they raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the shadow of the Varanspire.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Ogroid Theridons (83-63)

SKU: 99120201129
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Ogroid Theridons serve as fearsome shock troops to the armies of Chaos, found wherever the fighting is thickest, carving swathes of ruin through the enemy ranks with staggering strength and skill. Once rulers of a mighty empire that stretched across the Realm of Beasts, the goroans were enticed into Archaon’s service by promises of a new homeland, free from orruk invasions – a realm that came to be called the Eightpoints. Now better-known as ogroids, they raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the shadow of the Varanspire.

Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

EAN 5011921165483
0,2238 kg