Royal Decapitators are the unholy executioners of the Flesh-eater Courts, viewed with unease even by fellow ghouls – more than hunger or duty, they care only for the dealing of death. Dragging huge, tarnished axes behind them, the Royal Decapitators serve their lieges as gibbering executioners, and delight in taking worthy heads.
Royal Decapitators are the unholy executioners of the Flesh-eater Courts, viewed with unease even by fellow ghouls – more than hunger or duty, they care only for the dealing of death. Dragging huge, tarnished axes behind them, the Royal Decapitators serve their lieges as gibbering executioners, and delight in taking worthy heads.
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Royal Decapitator (91-69)
Royal Decapitators are the unholy executioners of the Flesh-eater Courts, viewed with unease even by fellow ghouls – more than hunger or duty, they care only for the dealing of death. Dragging huge, tarnished axes behind them, the Royal Decapitators serve their lieges as gibbering executioners, and delight in taking worthy heads.
Royal Decapitators are the unholy executioners of the Flesh-eater Courts, viewed with unease even by fellow ghouls – more than hunger or duty, they care only for the dealing of death. Dragging huge, tarnished axes behind them, the Royal Decapitators serve their lieges as gibbering executioners, and delight in taking worthy heads.
Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες
Warhammer Age of Sigmar |
Death, Flesh-Eater Courts |
5011921205578 |
0,0203 kg |