The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspace. The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this process, for it is they who refine the batches of diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn, and distil them to the utmost potency. From their backs dangle racks of blight grenades, churning with the latest strains of noxious plagues. With each volley of hurled ordnance, their epidemic spreads; injector pistols unleashing concentrated doses of foulness into their targets.
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The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspace. The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this process, for it is they who refine the batches of diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn, and distil them to the utmost potency. From their backs dangle racks of blight grenades, churning with the latest strains of noxious plagues. With each volley of hurled ordnance, their epidemic spreads; injector pistols unleashing concentrated doses of foulness into their targets.
Warhammer 40K – Biologus Putrifier (43-24)
The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspace. The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this process, for it is they who refine the batches of diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn, and distil them to the utmost potency. From their backs dangle racks of blight grenades, churning with the latest strains of noxious plagues. With each volley of hurled ordnance, their epidemic spreads; injector pistols unleashing concentrated doses of foulness into their targets.
The great labour of the Death Guard is to spread Nurgle’s bounteous gift to every corner of realspace. The Biologus Putrifiers have a vital role to play in this process, for it is they who refine the batches of diseased slurry brewed by the Foul Blightspawn, and distil them to the utmost potency. From their backs dangle racks of blight grenades, churning with the latest strains of noxious plagues. With each volley of hurled ordnance, their epidemic spreads; injector pistols unleashing concentrated doses of foulness into their targets.
Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες
Warhammer 40K |
Chaos, Death Guard |
5011921153626 |
0,0252 kg |