Scinari Enlighteners are amongst the pre-eminent battlemages of Lumineth society. Renowned across the realms for their profound knowledge and thoughtful deliberation, these Scinari are experts in conjuring blinding light, searing beams, and banishing abjurations, and especially adept at turning the harm inflicted upon them back upon their enemies.
Scinari Enlighteners are amongst the pre-eminent battlemages of Lumineth society. Renowned across the realms for their profound knowledge and thoughtful deliberation, these Scinari are experts in conjuring blinding light, searing beams, and banishing abjurations, and especially adept at turning the harm inflicted upon them back upon their enemies.
Warhammer Age Of Sigmar – Scinari Enlightener (87-16)
Scinari Enlighteners are amongst the pre-eminent battlemages of Lumineth society. Renowned across the realms for their profound knowledge and thoughtful deliberation, these Scinari are experts in conjuring blinding light, searing beams, and banishing abjurations, and especially adept at turning the harm inflicted upon them back upon their enemies.
Scinari Enlighteners are amongst the pre-eminent battlemages of Lumineth society. Renowned across the realms for their profound knowledge and thoughtful deliberation, these Scinari are experts in conjuring blinding light, searing beams, and banishing abjurations, and especially adept at turning the harm inflicted upon them back upon their enemies.
Επιπρόσθετες Πληροφορίες
Warhammer Age of Sigmar |
Lumineth Realmlords, Order |
5011921184118 |
0,0227 kg |